Senin, 27 Maret 2017

Heartline Lidra Reza March 28, 2017 Surprise Telkomsel

Waking up early in the morning before, directly to the studio prativi in the central Jakarta malioboro pasar baru for voice over Rafathar The Movie production help Raffi Ahmmad.I want make for 3D effects, because impressions Eid Ramadan fast 2017.Completed before 2017 ya ???
This afternoon, the new home of the activity. A call from Telkomsel, said Reza Lidra cappella video has been released in or can go directly -asyiknyajadibintang. Supposed to say? Tuesday, March 28, 2017 a lot of surprise? Though my Suaran mediocre, even lack of confidence. So shame nih? Going much like or unlike ya ??? Positive or negative coment yes. If no one was fitted at the office of SCTV Tower Shooting for deh ??? If no one was fitted at the office of SCTV Tower Shooting for deh ??? For program of cooperation with Telkomsel with the name of the show #AsyiknyaJadiBintang #kartuas #telkomsel .
 If given a new vocal group, okey ??? It telkomsel order soloist, so his death my style. Even now been posted video on Vidio.Com what can I say now? Can only surrender to God just me now. Jai miss her at Trio Broadcasters so ???
- Lidra Reza -

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